I offer several language services in English and Spanish and deliver quality, well-researched texts designed to help you break down the barriers that language and culture can sometimes put up.
Born in the U.S. to a multicultural family originally from Venezuela and Spain, I am a native speaker of both English and Spanish. And while second-generation Spanish-speakers in the U.S. are by no means uncommon, too many are unable to maintain a certain level of native fluency.
My parents, like so many others, had their work cut out for them trying to get my siblings and me to answer them back in Spanish, but in sending me on several trips to both countries and creating a home environment that highlighted the importance of strengthening family bonds, they successfully cemented my relationship with the Spanish language and our family’s cultures.
Having studied topics in both languages and lived in various places, I have an excellent command of both languages and a unique understanding of cultures with which to tailor a text to its target audience.
For more details, take a look at my résumé, also available in Spanish.
In addition to subject matter and number of words, there are several aspects that determine what a language professional charges for a project, like how well-written the text is to begin with, what file format it’s in, and whether a specific piece of software is required.
For a price quote on a specific project, shoot me an e-mail.
I live in Barcelona, Spain, and spend my workweek wearing a great many hats.
In addition to translating as a freelancer and as a member of VOCO, I edit publications and manage projects at the Smart CSOs Lab, an organization committed to the transition towards a more just, sustainable world.
I also translate and edit course material and oversee international operations at the SetLife Network, a technology education nonprofit.